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Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 57(spe): e20220443, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37603877


OBJECTIVE: To explore the experience and perception of international migrants in Chile regarding access to health services during the pandemic. METHOD: Collective case study following the qualitative paradigm. Forty semi-structured interviews were carried out with 30 migrants from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and 10 key actors from the health or social sector in November and December 2020. The interviews were analyzed thematically. RESULTS: Perceived facilitators for general access to health services are related to formal work, support networks, and good treatment, while barriers are linked to immigration status, information gaps, discrimination, lack of cross-cultural skills, and personal limits of the system. In the context of access to COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, the main barriers identified are: cultural approach to the disease, communication gaps, experiences of discrimination, costs, and lack of support networks. CONCLUSION: Access to health services is related to social vulnerability and violation of international migrants rights.

COVID-19 , Migrantes , Humanos , Pandemias , Teste para COVID-19 , Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 57(spe): e20220443, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1449203


ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the experience and perception of international migrants in Chile regarding access to health services during the pandemic. Method: Collective case study following the qualitative paradigm. Forty semi-structured interviews were carried out with 30 migrants from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and 10 key actors from the health or social sector in November and December 2020. The interviews were analyzed thematically. Results: Perceived facilitators for general access to health services are related to formal work, support networks, and good treatment, while barriers are linked to immigration status, information gaps, discrimination, lack of cross-cultural skills, and personal limits of the system. In the context of access to COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment, the main barriers identified are: cultural approach to the disease, communication gaps, experiences of discrimination, costs, and lack of support networks. Conclusion: Access to health services is related to social vulnerability and violation of international migrants rights.

RESUMO Objetivo: Explorar a experiência e a percepção dos migrantes internacionais no Chile sobre o acesso aos serviços de saúde durante a pandemia. Método: Estudo de caso coletivo sob o paradigma qualitativo. Foram realizadas 40 entrevistas semiestruturadas com 30 migrantes de diferentes países da América Latina e Caribe e 10 atores-chave do setor de saúde ou social em novembro e dezembro de 2020. As entrevistas foram analisadas tematicamente. Resultados: Os facilitadores percebidos para o acesso geral aos serviços de saúde estão relacionados ao trabalho formal, redes de apoio e bom tratamento, enquanto as barreiras estão ligadas ao status de imigração, lacunas de informação, discriminação, falta de habilidades interculturais e limites próprios do sistema. No contexto do acesso ao diagnóstico e tratamento da COVID-19, identificam-se principalmente barreiras: abordagem cultural da doença, lacunas de comunicação, vivências de discriminação, custos e falta de redes de apoio. Conclusão: O acesso aos serviços de saúde está vinculado à vulnerabilidade social e à violação dos direitos dos migrantes internacionais.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Explorar la experiencia y percepción de las personas migrantes internacionales en Chile en torno al acceso a servicios de salud durante la pandemia. Método: Estudio de caso colectivo bajo el paradigma cualitativo. Se llevaron a cabo 40 entrevistas semi-estructuradas con 30 personas migrantes provenientes de diferentes países de América Latina y el Caribe y 10 actores clave del sector salud o social en noviembre y diciembre 2020. Se analizaron las entrevistas temáticamente. Resultados: Los facilitadores percibidos para el acceso general a servicios de salud se relacionan con el trabajo formal, las redes de apoyo y el buen trato, mientras que las barreras se vinculan con situación migratoria, brechas de información, discriminación, falta de competencias interculturales y límites propios del sistema. En contexto de acceso a diagnóstico y tratamiento de COVID-19, se identifican principalmente barreras: abordaje cultural de la enfermedad, brechas comunicacionales, experiencias de discriminación, costos y faltas de redes de apoyo. Conclusión: El acceso a servicios de salud se vincula con vulnerabilidad social y vulneración de derechos de las personas migrantes internacionales.

Humanos , Migração Humana , COVID-19 , Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde , Chile
Rev. salud pública ; 24(4)jul.-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536734


Objetivo Conocer, en contexto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, las vulnerabilidades psicosociales y socioeconómicas de la población migrante internacional en Chile y los recursos y capitales sociales reportados desde la propia comunidad. Métodos Estudio cualitativo descriptivo. Se realizaron 40 entrevistas semiestructuradas a migrantes (N=30) e informantes claves (N=10), ejecutadas virtualmente durante el 2020. El material fue analizado mediante análisis temático. El proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética Científico de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Desarrollo. Resultados Como principales vulnerabilidades enfrentadas por parte de personas migrantes en pandemia se identifican: hacinamiento, precariedad laboral y necesidades económicas, uso del transporte público, desinformación y creencias en torno al COVID-19, discriminación, falta de redes de apoyo, y estatus migratorio. Como recursos se reconocen: contar con redes de apoyo, posibilidad de teletrabajo o salir a trabajar, acceso a información y a la red asistencial y municipal, apoyo gubernamental y de la sociedad civil. Adicionalmente, se reportan experiencias de diagnóstico de COVID-19, identificando dificultades en acceso a PCR y adaptaciones familiares y laborales como cambios en los hábitos de vida dentro y fuera del hogar. Discusión El estudio entrega información relevante e inédita para la construcción de políticas en salud para migrantes internacionales con foco en crisis sanitarias. Se destaca la necesidad de fortalecer adecuaciones interculturales en las estrategias de prevención del contagio y de promoción de la salud y aumentar la disponibilidad de respuesta en el acceso a salud en el marco de la pandemia, mitigando así la vulnerabilidad social en migrantes y potenciando sus recursos de afrontamiento.

Objective To know, in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the psychosocial and socioeconomic vulnerabilities experienced by the international migrant population in Chile, as well as the resources and social capital reported from the community itself and its support networks, and to analyze the reception and implementation of the measures recommended by the health authorities in the different stages of the pandemic in the country. Methods Descriptive qualitative study. The information was collected through 40 semi-structured individual interviews with migrants (N=30) and key informants (N=10), carried out through online communication platforms during 2020. A thematic analysis of the material was carried out. The project was approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Desarrollo. Results The main vulnerabilities experienced by migrants in the context of the pandemic include overcrowding, job insecurity and economic needs, use of public transport, misinformation and beliefs about COVID-19, experiences of discrimination and xenophobia, lack of support networks, and migratory status. The main resources are support networks, the possibility of working remotely or going out to work, access to information, access to the assistance and municipal network, and government support and civil society. In addition, experiences of diagnosis of COVID-19 are reported, identifying difficulties in accessing PCR testing, and family and work adaptations such as changes in lifestyle habits inside and outside the home. Discussion The study provides relevant and unpublished information for the construction of health policies for international migrants with a focus on sanitary crises. It highlights the need to strengthen cross-cultural strategies for the prevention of infection and health promotion, and to improve access to health in the context of the pandemic and beyond, thereby mitigating the social vulnerability experienced by migrants and enhancing their coping resources.

REMHU ; 25(49): 95-112, jan./abr. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-70108


La industria de la construcción ha experimentado en las últimas décadas importantes cambios a nivel de gestión del trabajo, condiciones laborales y composición de la fuerza de trabajo, destacando la creciente participación de trabajadores migrantes. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la relación entre la subcontratación en cuanto modelo de gestión, las condiciones laborales que devienen del tipo de contrato usualmente utilizado y la presencia de migrantes en las obras. Sostendremos que estos tres elementos, están estrechamente vinculados entre sí, determinando altos grados de precariedad en quienes trabajan en los últimos eslabones de la cadena de subcontratación. A partir de una metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas realizadas en Santiago, Iquique y Antofagasta y observaciones participantes en obras en Santiago, este estudio revela que existe una relación entre la precariedad en las condiciones laborales y la creciente inclusión de trabajadores migrantes, cuya vulnerabilidad resulta conveniente para este modelo económico.(AU)

In recent decades, the construction industry has undergone significant changes in labour management, working conditions and workforce composition, with a significant increase on the recruitment of migrant workers. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between subcontracting as a management model, the working conditions that prevail within the type of contract commonly used, and the presence of migrants in the construction industry. We argue that these three elements that characterize the construction industry are closely related. Based on a qualitative methodological approach that consisted of interviews conducted in Santiago, Iquique and Antofagasta, as well as participant observations in the construction field in Santiago, this study reveals that the precariousness in the working conditions is related to the increased recruitment of migrant workers, whose vulnerability becomes suitable for such an economic model.(AU)
